Near the Lybian border

This morning I woke up to the sun rising over the desert. We finished our desert safari last night sleeping under the stars on the sand.

They took us in 4 wheel drive vehicles on a desert excursion, climbing peaks and sliding down. It looked like one of my brothers' video games only if we flipped, we probably wouldn't get a couple more lives to live. We stopped a few times and I tumbled down one particularly steep mountain of sand and we watched the desert change colors as the sun set.

We were in an Oasis near the Libyan border called Siwa. We've been wearing swim suits all day the last few days because before we took our desert excursion we dipped into fresh water springs hot and cold all over the oasis. The idea of mirage seems so much more real now.

The Egyptians have a phrase they use, "Har Moot". Har means Heat/Hot. Moot means Death. In other words, Death by Heat. But we didn't die because I'm writing this and back in Alexandria and civilization again...not that I wouldn't mind staying there for a while.


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